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ML Achiever: Leslie La Chapelle - Project Manager

The Girl Scouts’ motto is “Be Prepared,” and long-time scout leader and our latest ML Achiever, Leslie La Chapelle, embodies this motto to a tee! 

Leslie, you have been with ML for almost a decade. What led you here in 2015?    

My story is very similar to other ML’ers. I left a successful career as a Marketing Director to raise a family. As my daughters grew, I found myself with extra time on my hands and decided to get back into the workforce. I wanted to be there for my family, so I needed a “work-from-home” position. 

Leslie and her two daughters

I ran my own consulting business for a while but craved the camaraderie of a team. A Google search uncovered MarketLauncher. I did some research and thought, “Wow, these people sound just like me.” The team had similar backgrounds and experiences, and I thought they might be a great fit for me. I spoke to the office manager, Shari Bazemore (who has since retired), and shared an instant connection. There wasn’t a position for me at that time, but Shari kept in touch and when one came up, she gave me a call. 

Let’s talk about ML’s culture. How has it supported you both from a career perspective but also your lifestyle?

Leslie Fun FactWell, from a personal perspective, it’s the flexible “work from anywhere” environment. I lived in Illinois when I joined ML but recently moved to Wisconsin, which coincidentally is where fellow ML’er Teresa Block lives. I’m looking forward to having a colleague in the same area! ML’s culture allowed me to work from home, and it made my move to a new state easier, too.

From a career perspective, ML allowed me to set hours that would put family commitments first. I started part-time but have moved into a full-time position now that my kids are older. Over the years, I have been given new and challenging roles. I started as a Database Coordinator and last year was offered a Project Manager role that fits me perfectly. 

"Leslie has been recognized numerous times for her many accomplishments. In 2022, she received an ML Value Award for improving our internal processes and information sharing. In 2023, she was promoted to Project Manager in recognition of her achievements and superb attention to detail. And this year, she is one of our ML Achievers. To say she is a valued team member would be an understatement."

Mary White Chief Operating Officer

Are you “team cat” or “team dog”? 

Definitely team cat. It’s not that I don’t like dogs, but I grew up with cats and that is what my daughters and I currently have. Most ML’ers have pets, including dogs, birds, reptiles, and lots of others. It’s another thing we can bond over.  

Now, let’s talk about your Project Manager role. 

Sure. As a Project Manager, I work with and support my internal team. Depending on the account, I sometimes work directly with the client and sometimes as background support. I’m behind the scenes, supporting our team members to ensure they are prepared to do the best job possible for our clients. 

Data is vital to the services we provide, and data consistency is vital to ensure the reporting we do is meaningful and correct. If the data is wrong, the output will be wrong. What’s the saying? “Garbage in, garbage out.” I’m responsible for ensuring our data input is as perfect as possible and that our people have the training they need to code efficiently and effectively. I have worked alongside our data managers and technology manager to help set up our internal systems like HubSpot to make them as easy as possible. Something as simple as not updating the Lifecycle Stage (used to track how contacts or companies move forward in the sales process) can throw data off. Having accurate and up-to-date data is essential for making informed decisions.   

Leslie recently created a “Coding Reference Manual” that has improved data consistency and accuracy and lowered the amount of time her colleagues spend on administrative tasks.

When I do research to find the most up-to-date information for the leads our sales team is working, I’m now able to leverage AI to supplement my more traditional research tools 

What tips can you share with others in similar roles?

Project management requires you to juggle many balls and interact with many people. These four tips help me stay organized, stay prepared, and efficiently use my time. 

  1. Keep “To Do” lists and “Task Lists”. I use a combination of a notebook and task reminders that I set up for myself electronically. I like to cover all the bases, so I don’t forget to do something, and I don’t miss deadlines. 
  2. Communicate directly and thoroughly with everyone. MS Teams and Zoom are great tools.
  3. Provide timely responses. A big part of my day is answering questions and helping people. I want to help my team be as successful as possible, so I respond as quickly as I can to their requests.
  4. Meet your deadlines. If you need more time, be sure to communicate why there might be a delay and the new timeline so your colleagues can reset expectations on their end. 

Thank you for your time, Leslie. Is there anything else we should know about you?

Girl scout mottoI want to assure everyone that despite recently moving to Wisconsin, I will remain a diehard Cubs and Bears fan! That will never change. 
I was also a Girl Scout leader for many years. Their motto, “Be Prepared,” really resonates with me. I try to be prepared in everything I do. It helps me meet my commitments and stay calm when things get a little crazy, like organizing a major move! 


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MarketLauncher Team
Our vision is to be the first choice of CEOs looking to build a predictable growth model. We’ve got the know-how to strategically apply a consultative approach to lead prospecting that accelerates growth for B2B companies even as buyer behavior changes.

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