Teresa has held a number of positions since joining ML, including managing our Market Research Specialists team before being promoted to Sales Manager. She has received multiple awards for her outstanding work since joining ML including for creatively employing the latest market research techniques to help her colleagues and clients uncover leads. Teresa believes that data drives sales and is dedicated to applying analysis to spot trends to make shifts quickly to improve the client experience and results. This dedication supports collaboration between clients and ML.
Former employers (including the American Heart Association) recognized Teresa for her contributions with numerous sales and best practice awards. She managed sales teams holding annual sales goals of $3M+. She also oversaw marketing committees comprised of high-level leadership from Midwest hospitals, medical device companies, schools and universities, and research centers.
Teresa sold medical devices and training products to C-suite executives representing 10+ industries and is especially proud to have implemented the first-ever public access to defibrillation program in the state of Wisconsin. Clients and colleagues alike commend Teresa’s consistently professional and friendly attitude and willingness to help.