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The Art and Science of B2B Prospecting

Ideas and Insights Designed to Fuel Your Revenue Generation Efforts (8)

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Adapt and Thrive by Pivoting Your Approach in Complex Sales
For B2B companies with a complex sale who had to pivot during COVID-19, this blog covers how to use market research to test new markets.
ML Achiever: Teresa Block, Market Research Manager
Market Research Manager, Teresa Block, answers a few questions on how she leads the MRS team in their outbound sales efforts.
4 Ways Strategic Outbound Can Power Up Your ABM Strategy
An account based marketing strategy with Strategic Outbound allows you to connect with valuable accounts and deliver a consistent buying experience.  
ML Cuts Reporting Costs in Half & Improves Goal Achievement by 17% with Databox
MarketLauncher turned to Databox when we needed a better way to keep our goals front and center while reporting progress to clients.
A Look at the Data: COVID-19's Impact on Sales Development
In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, sales executives across every industry had to make quick and critical strategy decisions.
Rice vs. Wheat: Why Strategic Outbound Sales is Different Than Cold Calling
Traditional outbound sales is ineffective. Strategic Outbound Sales should function like a rice paddy -- “It all depends on hard work and fertilizer.”
How to Lead a Successful Virtual Sales Meeting [Video]
MarketLauncher's Direct of Business Development, Dyan Klein, shares 3 tips for leading a successful sales meeting from anywhere.
Remote Workforce Playbook: Lead Your Team From Virtually Anywhere
This playbook is our guide to leading a remote workforce from anywhere, no matter the circumstances.
Webinar: What To Do When Unforeseen Events Affect Your Lead Pipeline
If your sales pipeline has been impacted by the recent global healthcare crisis, this webinar will help you develop a last-minute lead generation strategy.
ML Expert's 3 Quick Tips: HubSpot Sales Enablement with Stephanie Kargel
Seasoned sales specialist Stephanie Kargel shares how she uses HubSpot's sales enablement tools to sell better and streamline her process.