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The Art and Science of B2B Prospecting

As Vice President of Client Services, Michelle is a master of strategy with expertise in testing new markets and refining messaging to drive results. She is a 15-year sales and marketing veteran and joined MarketLauncher in 2012.

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Drive Relationship Selling Through Client Quality Assessments
Client Quality Assessments (CQAs) provide insights that will help you strengthen, retain, grow and expand existing client relationships.
Turn Outbound Sales and Marketing into a Revenue Generation Advantage
In December, many companies are looking ahead and deciding where best to focus their sales and marketing efforts for the coming year.
Rules of Engagement Between Inside and Outside Sales
Whether your organization includes both inside and outside sales teams, there are sales rules of engagement to follow in order to align goals and strategy.
How Email Messaging, Phone Scripts, and Great Content Enable B2B Prospecting
How carefully crafted messaging strategies catch the attention of the C-suite and senior executives.
Include the Voice of Your Customer in Your 2022 Planning
Three tips for conducting client quality assessments that will best support your 2022 planning.
Adapt and Thrive by Pivoting Your Approach in Complex Sales
For B2B companies with a complex sale who had to pivot during COVID-19, this blog covers how to use market research to test new markets.